Southbound communication to Spectrum is not working and it appears that UCFBroker cannot establish a connection to the Spectrum connectors.
IFW connector log shows the below error message
ERROR [<Connector-instance>] framework.UCFUtil - com/ca/ucf/remote/activemq/jndi/UCFActiveMQInitialContextFactory.
Release : 4.2, CUM 4
Component : Service Operations Insight (SOI) Manager
This is a known defect. created for CUM4 resolves issue.
Please find the attached Fix file and follow below steps to apply the fix on top of CU4.
3. Replace the above jar from attached jar
4. Start the IFW services for spectrum connector
Once Connector is online the verify the .ubr file at below location on manager.
Once .ubr file created in above folder then please verify southbound synchronization.
The needed .jar file is attached to the bottom of this techdoc.