Longer then usually jammer cycles are seen around midnight in the time zone of a Tidal scheduler in AAI.
Release : 6.4.2-5
AAI has a slight delay around midnight for Tidal schedulers as to not interfere with Tidal Schedule compilation which occurs around midnight.
Once AAI does process data again, there may be a large number of changes that need to be committed to the AAI database which may take additional processing time.
A large number of "flush" database transactions may occur. If you are seeing a "flush" take a long time, this could mean there is room for improvement on Disk I/O performance on the database server hosting the AAI database.
Below is an example of a flush transaction that took over 10 minutes.
2022/08/30 21:17:36.465 WARN [QueryTimingService] <20,444,504> done; elapsed: 0:10:45.3; expected: 0:01:00.0
After this jammer cycle completes you should see the average jammer cycle time reduced.