Upgrading from release 7.3.x to 8.2.X
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Upgrading from release 7.3.x to 8.2.X


Article ID: 249216


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Security Analytics Security Analytics - VA


The upgrade process from the 7.3.6 release to the 8.x releases is designed to maintain the index filesystems.  The time required to copy the old index data can takes days, and in a few cases weeks. These instructions are provided to streamline the process.  If you have any questions, please contact the support team.

You will need to upgrade to 8.1.3 before upgrading to later releases of 8.2.x.


Release 7.3.x


Before the upgrade, copy the .tar file for 8.1.3 and 8.2.5 to /home.  This will reduce the down time and work required before the upgrade window begins.

NOTE:  As stated in the Release Notes, this is a destructive upgrade.  Your capture data will be lost as well as your index metadata.

  1. When you are ready to upgrade, shutdown the application by logging in as root and running:  scotus stop
  2. Clear the meta filesystems by running:  build-ds-index.  No arguments. This will build fresh and empty /var/lib/solera/metaN filesystems.  It clears out all of the indexes by creating fresh filesystems. If you run mount /var/lib/solera/meta*, the Use% should be 1% for the filesystems.  They should not be 80% plus.
  3. Run /etc/utils/verify-reboot-upgrade.sh /home/atpsa-8.1.3-54751-x86_64-DVD.tar or whatever the path is to the atpsa-8.1.3-54751-x86_64-DVD.tar file.  This shell script will clear the /ds/upgrades directory of any old ISOs and upgrade files.
  4. When step 4 completes with "successful", then type: reboot.  This can run as quick as one hour or up to four hours.  You can watch it progress on the console.
  5. When the upgrade completes, you can verify the release is 8.1.3 by logging in with an admin account to the GUI and highlight the "Security Analytics" logo.  The release level will be displayed.
  6. To upgrade to 8.2.5 from 8.1.3, login as root to the CLI and run /etc/utils/verify-reboot-upgrade.sh /home/atpsa-8.2.5-55424-x86_64-DVD.tar. 
  7. Watch for "successful" and then type reboot.  This should take 20-30 minutes.
  8. The system should be up with the pre-existing configuration on the new 8.2.5 release.  Log in as admin, make sure that traffic is being captured, and run a report or two to verify the system is running.