We installed Identity Manager against Jboss and chose the defaults for the Ports, 8080 and 8443. Can the port be changed?
Release : 14.4
1. Edit the standalone xml file located in \{jboss}\standalone\configuration\ either the standalone-full.xml (for single node deployments) or standalone-full-ha.xml (for clustered implementations)
>For the nonsecure port modify:
<socket-binding name="http" port="${jboss.http.port:8080}"/>
>For the Secure Port:
<socket-binding name="https" port="${jboss.https.port:8443}"/>
and update it to state the desired new port, for example:
<socket-binding name="http" port="${jboss.http.port:80}"/>
Once restarted, JBoss will be listening on the new Ports
2. Log into the Management Console, navigate to >Home › Environments › identityEnv >
Update the Base URL and restart the Environment:
Log into Provisioning Manager, navigate to System > Identity Manager Setup
Check the ETACALLBACKURL, which should now have both the old and the new ports configured:
You can delete the entry with the old port at this point.
Additional considerations where you may have referenced the Port that will need to be reviewed and updated:
a. Email templates. - Located in the \iam_im.ear\custom\emailTemplates\ folder. See documentation for general information on Email Templates
b. PXPolicies - Located within the IM User Interface under Policies, Policy Xpress. See documentation for general information on Policy Xpress
c. External Applications making TEWS SOAP calls.
d. Custom Code