WSS Agent is installed on Windows an it is showing error, Connection to WSS failed.
WSS Agent Support > Diagnostics Log shows following logs
[08-19-2022 11:21:22 (UTC+8:00)]: Connection to WSS failed
[08-19-2022 11:22:18 (UTC+8:00)]: CTC failed (ec:12029 - A connection with the server could not be established)
[08-19-2022 11:22:24 (UTC+8:00)]: CTC failed (ec:12029 - A connection with the server could not be established)
[08-19-2022 11:22:30 (UTC+8:00)]: CTC failed (ec:12029 - A connection with the server could not be established)
[08-19-2022 11:22:36 (UTC+8:00)]: CTC failed (ec:12029 - A connection with the server could not be established)
[08-19-2022 11:22:48 (UTC+8:00)]: CTC failed (ec:12029 - A connection with the server could not be established)
[08-19-2022 11:22:54 (UTC+8:00)]: Attempting direct CTC request after 5 failures
[08-19-2022 11:22:54 (UTC+8:00)]: CTC failed (ec:12029 - A connection with the server could not be established)
[08-19-2022 11:23:00 (UTC+8:00)]: CTC failed (ec:12029 - A connection with the server could not be established)
[08-19-2022 11:23:00 (UTC+8:00)]: CTC: trying to use cached CL after 6 failures
[08-19-2022 11:23:00 (UTC+8:00)]: CTC: Using CL from file cache
[08-19-2022 11:23:01 (UTC+8:00)]: Attempting to connect to GMYKL via UDP
[08-19-2022 11:23:01 (UTC+8:00)]: Could not connect to Web Security Service @ via UDP
[08-19-2022 11:23:01 (UTC+8:00)]: UDP Connection failed (ec:21 - Unable to connect to cloud), will attempt TCP on the same DP
[08-19-2022 11:23:01 (UTC+8:00)]: Couldn't establish connection due to error (ec:21 - Unable to connect to cloud)
[08-19-2022 11:23:02 (UTC+8:00)]: Attempting to connect to GMYKL via TCP
[08-19-2022 11:23:02 (UTC+8:00)]: Connection failed for for GMYKL, will use next DP in connectList - error was (ec:5 - Access is denied)
[08-19-2022 11:23:03 (UTC+8:00)]: Attempting to connect to GMYKL via TCP
[08-19-2022 11:23:03 (UTC+8:00)]: Connection failed for for GMYKL, will use next DP in connectList - error was (ec:5 - Access is denied)
[08-19-2022 11:23:04 (UTC+8:00)]: Attempting to connect to GIDJK via TCP
[08-19-2022 11:23:04 (UTC+8:00)]: Connection failed for for GIDJK, last DP in connectList - error was (ec:5 - Access is denied)
[08-19-2022 11:23:04 (UTC+8:00)]: Connection to WSS failed
WSS Agent (All version) on Windows Platform
External third party agent (i.e. Sentinel Agent) was installed on client windows system which was causing problem with WSS Agent.
Customer uninstalled third party Sentinel Agent after that WSS Agent was able to connect successfully.