New Warnings in Startup with new Gateway CR: Layer7 API Gateway 10.1 CR02
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New Warnings in Startup with new Gateway CR: Layer7 API Gateway 10.1 CR02


Article ID: 249176


Updated On:


CA API Gateway


In comparison to the former version Layer7 API Gateway 10.1 CR01 the new Gateway CR02 shows two new WARNING messages at startup.

The new data in SSG-Log is:
2022-08-29T06:26:21.376+0200 WARNING 1 com.l7tech.util.ConfigFactory$DefaultConfig: Configuration property guidEntityResolver.cacheIdleTime value '5m' is invalid; using default value '300,000' instead.
2022-08-29T06:26:21.377+0200 INFO    1 com.l7tech.server.policy.CacheableGuidEntityResolver: Refreshing the GUID Entity Resolver Cache (POLICY), idle timeout=300,000, maximum size=100
2022-08-29T06:26:21.438+0200 WARNING 1 com.l7tech.util.ConfigFactory$DefaultConfig: Configuration property guidEntityResolver.cacheIdleTime value '5m' is invalid; using default value '300,000' instead.
2022-08-29T06:26:21.438+0200 INFO    1 com.l7tech.server.policy.CacheableGuidEntityResolver: Refreshing the GUID Entity Resolver Cache (ENCAPSULATED_ASSERTION), idle timeout=300,000, maximum size=100

It seems that the gateway corrects the wrong configuration for cacheIdleTime from "5m" by itself to "300,000" 

Where can I configure this cacheIdleTime to the new value so that the warnings wouldn't appear?


Release : 10.1

Component : API GATEWAY


The engineering team looked into this and it would have no impact on the product , they will add a user story and update the doc with a known defect which will be resolved in the next CR .