1. Navigating to the Modern Timesheets > 'My Timesheet' loads indefinitely. It just flickers continuously.
The only accessible page is the 'Timesheets' page.
2. Navigating to the Modern Timesheets > 'My Timesheet'
Click +Work button does not have Add Task popup come up.
3. Navigating to the Modern Timesheets > 'Review & Approve' pages, it goes back to the 'Timesheets' page.
When the blueprint is configured to just to show the 'Review and Approve' page, the message appears:
No time periods available.
The HAR content just loads constantly and HAR content is not able to be saved for review.
Release : 15.9.3
A. Upon reviewing the HAR content, it was found the timesheet results were returning null, e.g.
Check a known user login having the issue:
Ensure the following:
1. 'Open For Time Entry' is set.
2. 'Track Mode' set to PPM.
3. The global right (Timesheets - Navigate) is provided, if needed.
4. Have affected user clear browser cache and log back in.
B. Check if the CMN_UI_PERSONALIZATIONS table contains a row for the user_id = 0 for 'timesheet' component.
If not, use the following to add it:
VALUES (5000002, 0, 'timesheet',
1, TO_DATE('2017-08-23 19:55:12', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'), 1,
TO_DATE('2017-08-23 19:55:12', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'));
This will resolve both the 'My Timesheets' and 'Review and Approve' pages not loading.