Utilizing a hostname be used for remote logging.
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Utilizing a hostname be used for remote logging.


Article ID: 249096


Updated On:


SSL Visibility Appliance Software SV-3800 SV-1800 SV-2800 SV-800 SV-S550


Utilizing a hostname be used for remote logging.


All versions of SSL Visibility Software.


A hostname can be used for remote logging on the SSL Visibility.  It is recommended that the hostname is verified for reachability before configuring it within Remote Logging.  This can be done by connecting to the SSL Visibility via SSH or console first.  After logging in, go to enable mode.  From their the ping command can be utilized to check connectivity.  Ensure that the hostname is reachable.

After verifying it is reachable, and configuring it within Remote Logging, the server should receive your logs.

If the remote syslog server is not reachable, verify that DNS is configured properly on the SSL Visibility device.  Something else to consider if it fails is if ICMP is allowed on the network.

If the remote syslog server is available and is not logging, verify if the port and protocol are allowed within the network path between the two devices.