Batch process to archive Smart/RESTART Db2 synchronization table entries displayed within Smart/MONITOR.
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Batch process to archive Smart/RESTART Db2 synchronization table entries displayed within Smart/MONITOR.


Article ID: 249033


Updated On:


Smart Restart Smart RRSAF


Is there a batch method to perform a mass archive of Smart/RESTART entries displayed within Smart/MONITOR?

Client has not been archiving jobs thus there are many thousands of jobs within the Smart/MONITOR display causing
it to take a long time to start and refresh. 

Requirement is to archive all jobs prior to 01-01-2022 for instance and using the Smart/MONITOR ARC line command 
thousands of times within Smart/MONITOR is not feasible due to the number of entries.



Release : 20.0
Component : Smart/RESTART


There is currently no batch archival process for the Smart/RESTART 
creator.CKPT_SYNCH table.

To perform a mass archive of rows in the Smart/RESTART Db2 synchronization table,
construct a SQL request to UPDATE the table and SET the Db2 column CKPT_SKEY_RRN to -2
for any desired row using a WHERE predicate.

Utilize the following SQL to perform a mass archive process
replacing the CKPT_JOBKEY = 'smfi' values with the LPAR System ID
and 'userid' with the ID to be displayed for User ID within the Smart/MONITOR
archive display: 

UPDATE creator.CKPT_SYNCH                                           
  SET  CKPT_SKEY_RRN = -2,                                      
  CKPT_JOBKEY = 'smfiuserid  ' ||                               
  WHERE CKPT_START_DATE < '2022-01-01' AND                       
        CKPT_SKEY_RRN = -1;                                     
DELETE FROM creator.CKPT_SYNCH                                      
  WHERE CKPT_START_DATE < '2022-01-01' AND                       
        CKPT_SKEY_RRN >= 0;