GROUPS member changes requiring the GROUPS RELOAD COLD command to be run
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GROUPS member changes requiring the GROUPS RELOAD COLD command to be run


Article ID: 249009


Updated On:


SYSVIEW Performance Management


Customer description of his issue: 

        I have updated GROUPS member in CNM4PRM and my Sysview started task is started in warm mode.

        When I do a recycle and check Groups panel in Sysview, mail-id's are not showing and have to issue the GROUPS RELOAD COLD command.

        Is there anyway I can automate the groups reloading while recycling the Sysview STC's?






Based on the fact that the Customer was doing SYSVIEW  'WARM' starts and then having to run a RELOAD GROUPS COLD command to make his changes effective  ,
the Customer should consider issuing the GROUPS command from his SYSVIEW session and once the display is returned follow that up with a SAVE command to save the entry to the DataLib. 
The GROUPS member should now be in effect for a 'WARM' start and the Customer should not have to issue the GROUPS RELOAD COLD anymore.    
Also please review the following additional explanation on warm versus cold starts: 
       Issue the SYSVIEW   TOPICS   command
       From the returned display enter
       FIND WARM
       Peruse the topic
               "Start mode - WARMSTART or COLDSTART"
See the Start Modes for the Main Services Address Space of the product documentation.