Modern UX - 'New From Template' action cannot be used if the template is locked by a process
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Modern UX - 'New From Template' action cannot be used if the template is locked by a process


Article ID: 248933


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS


Unable to create project from template in the MUX via clicking 'New From Template' in MUX and the fields are not available like the Project Name therefore unable to create a new project from template in the MUX. Admins have required rights of Project - Create and Template Create. The Classic action 'Create Project from Template' works fine.


Release : 16.0.3

Component : Clarity MUX Blueprints and Administration


Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a Clarity process called 'Lock Attribute'
Name=Lock Attribute
Primary Object= Project
Available for On-demand Start=Yes
Create New Step with a System Action:
Action Name: Lock Attribute
Action=Lock all attributes (Locks all attributes that are editable and visible in the UI)
Steps: Start > Step 1 System Action > Finish
Validate the process
(Create another process called 'UnLock Attribute' using same parameters as process above with Action=Unlock all attributes)
2. Create a new Project Template
3. Associate the 'Lock Attribute' process with the project template instance
4. Click on "New from Template" in the Modern Project Grid
5. Choose the template created in Step 2
Expected Results: The Project Name and other fields can be filled in, to create a new project in MUX
Actual Results: All the fields are greyed out, and a new project cannot be created in MUX
Workaround: None


DE66392: Modern UX - 'New From Template' action cannot be used if the template is locked by a process, has been fixed by Engineering via code change in Clarity 16.1.0.

Additional Information

The template locked by a process issue is similar to DE66079 - Modern UX - 'New From Template' action cannot be used if the template is locked for editing through Business Rules.