java.lang.NullPointerException ExceptionMessage=[null] in xcom.log
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java.lang.NullPointerException ExceptionMessage=[null] in xcom.log


Article ID: 248918


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XCOM Data Transport - Windows


When the xcomd service is started, message "java.lang.NullPointerException ExceptionMessage=[null]" is in the xcom.log.  We don't have any database defined/configured for the History or Trusted security. Why are we seeing these messages?


Release : 11.6

Component : XCOM Data Transport for Windows


Userid's not having the proper permission for the xcom.log.


Providing the userid in question the proper permission of Write to the xcom.log will stop the messages from printing in the xcom.log.

XCOM uses two sets of credentials to access the log -- those assigned to the XCOMD CA XCOM Scheduler service in the SERVICES applet of the Control Panel and the credentials that are passed in the transfer (USERID). The user ID performing the transfer must have change access for the log, or CA XCOM Data Transport cannot update the xcom.log with transfer information.