Box Securlet reports expected user for activities performed on Shared Folder objects/documents
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Box Securlet reports expected user for activities performed on Shared Folder objects/documents


Article ID: 248915


Updated On:


CASB Securlet SAAS CASB Security Advanced CASB Security Premium CASB Security Standard


Prior to CloudSOC v. 3.150.0-202208231752-patch, Box Securlet Policy violations would be reported as having been done by the owner of a Shared Folder as opposed to the user performing the activities. 



Box service records actions as being performed by the owner of the Shared Folder and lists the actual user performing the actions via the 'Last Updated by' field.


The Modified By field has been added to Incident Details for Box Securlet. This change will apply to all current and future Box Securlet instances.

This change doesn't affect DLP Incident Details