Deploy probes from command line in DX UIM
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Deploy probes from command line in DX UIM


Article ID: 248893


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


We are looking for commands or procedures to install / deploy probes and or custom packages from our DX UIM archive of the primary hub server to endpoint robots.

How can we deploy probes using commands in Windows and Linux? How can I install probes on a command prompt? 

What are the commands to deploy probes using PU and command line? 


  • DX UIM 20.4.* / 23.4.*
  • Component : Hub / Pu.exe




DX UIM provides the ability to Run Probe Commands from a Command Prompt ( This is obtained with the PU.EXE utility. This utility is useful for running scripts to complete repetitive tasks (such as deleting multiple probes or multiple instances of a probe) or to avoid navigating through multiple levels of a user interface to complete an action.


Below are some examples: 


Deploy a probe from command line in different scenarios:


■ From a Windows hub/robot to a remote target robot or to the same robot (works for linux or windows target) 


a)  RDP to the primary hub or to the target robot itself (robot1234), open CDM and go to the location of PU.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\Nimsoft\bin"

b) execute the following to install the default probe binaries:


pu.exe -u administrator -p P4ssw0rd /primaryhub_domain/primaryhub_hub/primaryhub/distsrv job_add "" "" "processes" "4.80" "/primaryhub_domain/primaryhub_hub/target_robot" "0" 


-- In the above example:

/primaryhub_domain/primaryhub_hub/primaryhub/distsrv --> Location of the distsrv (primary hub)

/primaryhub_domain/primaryhub_hub/target_robot --> Location of the target robot (can be be any reachable robot including local robot)




■  From a Linux robot locally on the same robot - For Linux, if PU is not loaded into the bin  folder, deploy the pu package to this robot first.


a)  Connect to linux robot or to the target linux robot itself (linuxrobot), open CDM and go to the location of PU utility "/opt/nimsoft/bin"

b) execute the following to install the default probe binaries:


./pu -u administrator -p P4ssw0rd linuxhub_domain/inuxhub_hub/linuxhub/distsrv job_add "" "" "processes" "4.80" "/linuxhub_domain/inuxhub_hub/linuxrobot" "0" 


-- In the above example:

linuxhub_domain/inuxhub_hub/linuxhub/distsrv --> Location of the distsrv (primary hub)

/linuxhub_domain/inuxhub_hub/linuxrobot --> Location of the target robot (can be be any reachable robot including local robot) 




Additional Information

How do I know if the command succeeded and if the job is completed successfully? 

After you run a job you will have the following output, showing the job id: in red below 


C:\Program Files (x86)\Nimsoft\bin>pu.exe -u administrator -p P4ssw0rd /primaryhub_domain/primaryhub_hub/primaryhub/distsrv job_add "" "" "processes" "4.80" "/primaryhub_domain/primaryhub_hub/target_robot" "0" 
Aug 19 14:15:25:099 2 pu: _nimInit
Aug 19 14:15:25:101 2 pu: nimCharsetSet() - charset=
Aug 19 14:15:30:311 0 pu: Failed to read a valid probe_crypto_mode from controller. Assuming pre-FIPS and using TWO_FISH
Address: /primaryhub_domain/primaryhub_hub/primaryhub/distsrv Request: job_add
job_id          PDS_PCH           6 job2


---After that you can use the callback "job_status" providing the job_id as below: 


C:\Program Files (x86)\Nimsoft\bin>pu.exe -u administrator -p P4ssw0rd //primaryhub_domain/primaryhub_hub/primaryhub/distsrv job_status "job2" "" ""
Aug 19 14:16:05:050 2 pu: _nimInit
Aug 19 14:16:05:053 2 pu: nimCharsetSet() - charset=
Aug 19 14:16:05:057 0 pu: Failed to read a valid probe_crypto_mode from controller. Assuming pre-FIPS and using TWO_FISH
Address: /primaryhub_domain/primaryhub_hub/primaryhub/distsrv Request: job_status
entry           PDS_PPDS         84
 0               PDS_PDS          76
  name            PDS_PCH           5 job2
  number_of_distributions PDS_I             2 1
  finished_ok_distributions PDS_I             2 1



---The output "  finished_ok_distributions PDS_I             2 1" will show that the distribution is fine.