In Classic Clarity on the Team Tab, it you add team by OBS it also adds records to the clb_notifications table. When there are several resources being added, the confirmation page for the team completes are resources are added to the team, but the clb_notifications table continues to update. If while the table is still updating another group of resources is added using the OBS option again, the table clb_notifications stops updating.
Steps to Reproduce:
-- This is in Classic Clarity on a Team tab.
1. Select a project to use and note the internal ID of that project
- Best to do for a project that has no team members to start.
If there are already note how many as there should already be notifications for those.
2. Use an OBS that has many resources, thousands if possible
- my test had 30k in one OBS
3. On the project's Team: Add resources by using the Add/Update by OBS button for the large OBS
- Click Add new OBS members checkbox option
4. Check clb_notifications for counts
- select * from clb_notifications where event_link like '%project InternalID%'
- select count(*) from clb_notifications where event_link like '%project InternalID%'
Wait till all are added and you get the confirmation popup and note how many were added.
- You should expect about this number in the clb_notifications table
- The table should continue populating after the confirmation box and resources are added to the team
5. Go back to the project and add more team members by OBS - can be the same one or different
6. Query clb_notifications again
select * from clb_notifications where event_link like '%project InternalID%'
select count(*) from clb_notifications where event_link like '%project InternalID%'
Expected Results: clb_notifications continues to add records from 1st OBS and then add records from the second one.
Actual Results: clb_notifications stops populating for the project altogether.
Workaround: Wait until the clb_notifications table completes before adding a second OBS
Release : 16.0.2
Component : Clarity Collaboration (Documents and Action Items)
Reported as DE66378
Currently under engineering review.