Using this link, Telon separate Sections of the Manual are displayed
1. How can one view the entire PDF for the Telon documentation?
2. Where are the naming standards for the JCL and PROC members documented that are found in the pdsqual.PROCPDS and created via the execution of #CUSTJCL?
TelonĀ® Application Generator release 5.1
Please see this link for the Telon 5.1 manual .pdf.
The way to get this PDF is to sign into the Support Portal:
1. Go under Documentation for the product Telon
2. Click on this at the upper right hand of the screen:
Click on this link to see the Naming standards for JCL/Proc members.
The Telon Generate, Compile and Link jobs and procedures that were created during execution of #CUSTJCL and placed in pdsqual.PROCPDS are a special subset and conform to the following naming convention:
Procedure name: TLuvwxyL
Job stream name: JuvwxyL
u is the DBMS precompiler
N (none)
2 (DB2)
M (Datacom SQL)
v is the target environment:
B (Batch)
S (CICS Client)
w is the location of the Telon source:
P (in a PDS)
V (on Panvalet)
X (on the TDF, export the source)
x is the option to Generate host language source:
G (generate)
O (generate if Telon source has changed)
y is the host language source code:
P (PL/I)
2 (COBOL II and above)