Gen 8.6 Host Encyclopedia (HE) upgrade considerations
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Gen 8.6 Host Encyclopedia (HE) upgrade considerations


Article ID: 248819


Updated On: 07-02-2024


Gen - Host Encyclopedia Gen



Installation and Configuration terminology

  1. Installation refers to the SMP/E jobs to obtain the software from the Pax file into a CSI.
  2. Deployment refers to creating a copy of the CSI Target data sets to be used for Configuration.
  3. Configuration refers to the variables and jobs used to create/update a Host Encyclopedia (HE) or Implementation Toolset (IT).
  4. a. & b. are used for all Gen products - HE, IT, Middleware (TCPIP and MQ) and Runtimes.
  5. c. is used specifically for HE or IT, even though Middleware also has configuration options and with Runtimes can be customized via user exits. 


This article focuses on HE Configuration but also mentions Gen Application Migration.
Gen 8.6 uses the Continuous Delivery release strategy so multiple Pax files containing the entire product are delivered at various intervals (in place of a new release).  A Pax file install and Upgrade In-Place can be used to bring an existing Gen 8.6 environment to a specific maintenance level, without having to apply a large number of PTFs.
If using z/OSMF for installation is preferred then the same advice applies.


Release : 8.6

Component : Gen Host Encyclopedia


Upgrade In-Place or Create New Encyclopedia

Key Considerations

  • Database requirements for a new or existing Encyclopedia.
  • Model clean-up considerations.
  • Backout strategy for Upgrade In-Place.
    • Back up of Encyclopedia Databases for Upgrade In-Place.

Upgrade In-Place

  • Gen 8.6 software uses databases created by previous Gen releases.
  • Apply large amount of maintenance to Gen 8.6 Encyclopedia when using a Gen 8.6 Pax file.
  • No need to move models but conversion is still required.
  • Current and prior Gen versions can access the same Encyclopedia repository by using different logon procs.

New Encyclopedia

  • Especially recommended when upgrading from Gen 7.0 and previous versions.
  • More effort required to move models.
  • Validate the newly configured Gen Encyclopedia before starting on Application upgrades.
  • The versions of DB2 and PL/I have changed from what was delivered and supported previous versions of Gen Language Environment must include Runtime support for the PL/I version used by Gen 8.6.

Model Conversions

  • If using the Gen 8.6 Toolset, model conversions are required when upgrading from any previous version to Gen 8.6. That is because even if the schema has not changed there have been meta-model changes that need to be picked in model conversion.

Install Differences pre-Gen 8.0

  • The software delivery and install methods have changed. Gen is now delivered in a Pax file and SMP/E format instead of files and manual jobs.
  • Library Names have changed and must stay consistent in SMP/E environment for PTF applications (CEHB/CEG8/CEG9).
  • Added PARMLIB to retain values that were in CLIST members TIUGLOB and TIRCFIGS.
  • Must change logon PROC to include TIUPARML allocation and new library names.
  • Create SQL, JCL, and PARMLIB (FB=80, BLKSIZE=32720).
  • Eliminated TLIB library.

Preparing for the upgrade

Read the Gen™ 8.6 > Release Notes.
Also the Releases Notes for all the versions between the version being upgraded from and 8.6 should be checked for changes (versions since 6.x are 7.0, 7.5, 7.6, 8.0, 8.5). Each Release Notes only contains information for the release it was created for. 

Gen Compatibility Matrix

Step-by-step instructions

Gen™ 8.6 > Installing > Installation Best Practices

Gen™ 8.6 > Installing > Install Gen on z/OS

Gen™ 8.6 > Installing > Install Gen on z/OS > Install Products Using z/OSMF

Gen™ 8.6 > Installing > Install Gen on z/OS > How to Install Your Product Using a Pax File

Gen™ 8.6 > Installing > Install Gen on z/OS > Configuring Host Encyclopedia and Host Construction > Upgrade a Host Encyclopedia
Gen™ 8.6 > Installing > Install Gen on z/OS > Configuring Host Encyclopedia and Host Construction > Create a New Encyclopedia


Items to consider for Application Migration


Plan to Build and Test

Develop the HE Schedule

  • Understand the timeline for the SMP/E product and PTF installs.
  • Determine who will do the CEINSTAL and run CEJOBs.
  • Determine if model conversions will occur.

Identify Critical Resources

  • DB2 Administrator.
  • SMP/E or System Administrator.
  • CICS or IMS Administrator.
  • Developer(s).
  • Tester(s).

Develop a Test Plan

  • Time needed to implement user customizations and changes.
  • Review model applications to determine what will be regenerated.
  • Test the application(s) - key transactions, screens, and batch jobs.
  • Document External Action Block (EAB) source locations and determine EABs for regeneration.
  • Determine production application deployment timeline.
  • About 2 weeks before the production deployment, register for Expert Change Planning.

Version specific

Gen 7.0 onwards – Gen runtimes start becoming stand-alone DLLs:

    • Requires PDSE load libraries.

Gen 7.6 through 8.5 to 8.6:

    • Runtimes fairly compatible.

Gen 7.0 through 7.5 to 8.6:

    • Runtimes may not be upwardly compatible which may require reinstall.

Gen 6.5 or earlier to 8.6:

    • Move to DLL’s in 7.0 necessitates full regeneration and installation.
    • Consider using Compatibility Feature to do migration in stages.

Custom Procedures

Once upgrade of the HE is complete, be aware of how the current applications are built i.e. is it through the HE or is a custom built procedure being used outside of HE for example through Endevor or SCLM. If that is the case plan to upgrade those systems as well i.e. change the runtimes from 8.x to 8.6 etc.

Additional Information

NOTE: It is highly recommended to immediately apply all latest maintenance/PTFs after the installation/configuration.