SDSF to Top Secret conversion of ISFGROUPS
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SDSF to Top Secret conversion of ISFGROUPS


Article ID: 248784


Updated On:


Top Secret


SDSF to Top Secret conversion and the requirement for ISFGROUPS.

Is it required to define ISFGROUPS (ISFBT1,ISFBT2,...) of TYPE GROUP  
and also define ISFGROUPS (ISFBT1, ISFBT2,...) of TYPE USER?

Instead would it be possible to create ISFGROUPS(ISFBT1,ISFBT2,...) of 
TYPE PROFILE and provide access and add users to the profiles? 



Release : 16.0

Component : Top Secret for z/OS



RACF GROUP's contain PERMIT's to resources and GIDs.

In Top Secret, there are PROFILE's which contain the PERMIT's. 
PROFILE's cannot contain a GID. 
That is what TSS GROUPS are for, they hold the GID.

So in Top Secret a PROFILE and GROUP are required and then attach them to the user 
when converting RACF GROUPs.