Endevor v19 Installation/Upgrade Checklist
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Endevor v19 Installation/Upgrade Checklist


Article ID: 248707


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Endevor Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor Natural Integration


Is there a checklist and/or recommendations on how to upgrade/install Endevor v19 


Release:  V19 


Steps to prepare for your Endevor v19 Upgrade

  1. Plan the implementation and testing strategies 
    • Build a test plan 
    • Prepare a back-out plan
    • Establish testing and installation dataset spacing requirements 
  1. Capture options and features from the old release
  2. Review the "Endevor v19 Release Notes
    • Review for any new features
    • Review any known issues with the new release 
  1. Review the “Installing” section of the Endevor v19 Documentation for guidance on how to install the product 
  2. Install the product
  3. Test the new release of v19 using your own data or the Sample Application
  4. If Implementing the Natural Interface for Endevor - Review Endevor Natural Interface EINE V19 Upgrade Checklist


  • Ensure that BC1JJB03 is customized and executed - Delivered in the iprfx.iqual.CSIQJCL 
  • ENUXSITE, all user exits, C1DEFLTS and all customized Endevor tables must:
    • be assembled/compiled and linked with the RENT attribute. A non-reentrant program might encounter a system 0C4 ABEND
    • reside in an APF-authorized load library. If one of these modules comes from a non-authorized library, a U0078 ABEND occurs.
  • BATCHID values 0 and 2 are no longer supported, defaulted to 1
  • Base FMID CSIQJ00 now contains the Endevor Web Services component. The new Web Services installation process requires no pre-requisites and no initial Web Services configuration
  • Base FMID CSIQJ00 now contains a Mainframe Web hook Server binary with a deploy JCL

Capture Options & Features from the old release

Review tables as appropriate from the old release and make a copy of them in a PDS for safe keeping. Tables that typically need to review:

  • BC1TNEQU          (ESI - Security table)      
  • C1DEFLTS            (Site Defaults Table)
  • C1GTAPGM         (Authorized Program Table)
  • C1UEXITS             (User Exit Table)
  • ENCOPTBL           (Optional Features Table)
  • ENDICNFG           (Dialog Configuration Table)
  • ESMTPTBL           (EMAIL notification Table)
  • ESYMBOLS          (Site Symbols Table)


To gather the data from the above mentioned table, run a batch job against the existing version of Endevor including the “Endevor Options Trace”. The Options trace will produce a report with information from the C1DEFLTS table and the other Endevor tables.  Below is a sample job that can be run:

//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                               
//C1PRINT  DD SYSOUT=*                               
//C1MSGS1  DD SYSOUT=*                               
//SYSOUT   DD SYSOUT=*                               
//SYSABEND DD SYSOUT=*                               
//BSTERR   DD SYSOUT=*                               
//EN$TROPT DD SYSOUT=*                               
//BSTIPT01 DD *                                       
  PRINT ELEMENT XXXXXX                               
  FROM ENVIRONMENT XXXX                              
       SYSTEM      XXXX                              
       SUBSYSTEM   XXXX                              
       TYPE        XXXX                              
       STA         X                                 
  TO DDNAME C1PRINT.                                   


Once the data is gathered from the previous release, make a copy of the new v19 tables ENDICNFG and ENCOPTBL to see all the new options and then use the Options Trace to ensure that the options enabled are the same in both versions.

Review any exits, API programs, skeletons, package ship modifications and/or customizations.

Review and Select New Release Features/Options

The best way to do this is to review the Endevor v19 Release Notes available on support.broadcom.com.  If the site is upgrading and there are releases between, it is recommended that all the release notes for all releases be reviewed. (Example - if upgrading from v18 to v19 review the release notes from 18.0.12 & 18.1 and v19).  It is HIGHLY recommended to not enable any new features until initial testing has been completed.

Testing New Releases Using the Sample Application or with “Your Own Data”

Option 1: The Sample Application can be used to create a stand-alone Endevor instance to test with.

As an alternative to using the Sample Application, tests can be done with the existing production data for testing upgrades to new releases of Endevor. To do this, perform several post-installation steps to create a copy of the data on a test system.  It is recommend that a copy of the largest and most active systems be used. If a site has many environments, a test version does not have to be established for all of them. However, it is suggested that at least two mapped environments be used.

Option 2: Perform the following tasks to test new releases with your data:

It is recommend that a copy of the largest and most active systems be used. If a site has many environments, a test version does not have to be established for all of them. However, it is suggested that at least two mapped environments be used.  Make copies of the production MCFs and Package File, and make copies of all the base, delta, and output libraries associated with the systems selected. If the names are being changed of these files on the test system, or if there is a need to establish a test bed on the production system, Endevor must be updated with the new names.

Copy the Element Catalog

Endevor incorporates an Element Catalog file to support long element names and to improve performance by reducing the volume of I/O operations. The Element Catalog file is required and only one is allowed per site. The Element Catalog is identified to Endevor through the ELMCATL field in the TYPE=MAIN section of the C1DEFLTS Table.  

Follow these steps:

  1. Edit BC1JRCAT in the iprfx.iqual.CSIQJCL that is delivered with the product.
  2. Ensure that Step2 references your production ELMCATL and EINDEX, and that Step 3A, 3B, and 4 references the test catalog you want to create.
  3. Submit it for execution.

Copy the Master Control Files 

To test using copies of your MCFs, use member BC1JRMCF located in iprfx.iqual.CSIQJCL. This job will REPRO your current MCF files into sequential data sets; create your new MCF, and then REPRO the old data from the sequential files into your new files.  

Follow these steps:

  1. Edit BC1JRMCF in the iprfx.iqual.CSIQJCL
  2. ensure that Step2 references the MCFs you are copying from, and the remaining steps reference the test files you want to create. 
  3. Submit it for execution.

 Copy the Package File

To test using a copy of your existing package file, use member BC1JRPKG from your iprfx.iqual.CSIQJCL library. This job backs up your existing data set to a sequential file, deletes and redefines the package file, and then populates the records back into the newly-defined VSAM package file.

Follow these steps:

  1. Create a new PDS member using only Step 3A in the BC1JRPKG JCL.
  2. Edit the JCL to ensure that Step2 references your production package file, and that Step3A and 3B through 5 references the test package file you want to create.
  3. Submit it for execution.

Copy ACMQ Files

If your site is licensed for Automated Configuration Manager, and you specify ASCM=Y in your C1DEFLTS Table, the ACM query files, ACMROOT and ACMXREF, must be allocated.

If you want to make copies of your existing ACMQ files, follow these steps:

  1. Allocate new test files, use job BC1JACMD
  2. Use IDCAMS REPRO to copy your Production ACMROOT & ACMXREF file to sequential file (attributes FB 4096)
  3. Use IDCAMS REPRO them into your test files.

Update the Endevor Tables

** The C1DEFLTS and all of the site customized Endevor tables must be reassembled and relinked before running Endevor v19 **

1)  Before you can use any of your newly copied files, you must first identify them to Endevor through the C1DEFLTS table. 

  • Edit the sample JCL BC1JTABL to assemble and link source module C1DEFLTS. BC1JTABL is located in the installation library iprfx.iqual.CSIQJCL.  
  • Alternatively, If using SMP/E USERMOD process to manage your tables, when your updates are complete, employ an SMP/E USERMOD to assemble and link-edit C1DEFLTS after you customize it.  

2)  Assemble and link all the customized Endevor tables using the BC1JTABL or the SMP/E USERMOD process.

V19 NOTE - BATCHID values 0 and 2 are no longer supported. BATCHID now defaults to 1

IMPORTANT NOTE - The updated Endevor tables must reside in the authorized library that was established during the installation process. Verify this information with the person who installed the product at your site.

Note: For more information about the C1DEFLTS Table, see How to Edit the Defaults Table (C1DEFLTS) in the Endevor v19 Documentation.

Synchronize the Element Catalog with the MCFs

Ensure that the Element Catalog that was just copied is properly referenced by the MCF’s defined in the C1DEFLTS.

Follow these steps:

  1. Edit job BC1JXCNM. Use member BC1JXCNM in irpfx.iqual.CSIQJCL.
  2. Run the job with the VALIDATE execution parameter.
    1. If the job ends with RC=0 in VALIDATE mode, the element catalog and MCFs are synchronized
    2. If the job ends with RC=4 ensure the correct C1DEFLTS is being used and go to the next step.  
  3. Run BC1JXCNM with execution parameter UPDATE to fix the error. In this mode, the program examines all the MCFs defined in the C1DEFLTS table and stamps the MCFs with the Element Catalog data set name.

Copy the Production Files

Use one of the following methods to make the production files available for testing:

Allocate new files (with new names) and copy current data into them.

To allocate new files (with new names) and copy current data into them, or if testing on an isolated LPAR copy the current files to the test LPAR using their same names. Alternatively, use IBM's DFDSS utility ADRDSSU to COPY (dump) and rename the data files.

After processing the MCFs, Package, ACMROOT, XREF and Element Catalog files, needed to allocate the data files. Use IEFBR14 or IDCAMS, allocate empty PDS, PDSE, or ELIBS, based on the site's implementation. Copy any base, deltas, source output libraries, processor output, and load libraries associated with the systems and types that are planned to be used for testing.

Note: Either of these processes can be used – Allocate Base, Delta, and Source Processor Output Libraries or Copy Production Data. Alternatively, use IBM's DFDSS utility ADRDSSU to COPY (DUMP) and rename the data files.

  • If testing is on on an isolated LPAR, copy the current files to the test LPAR using their same names.

Using IDCAMS, IEBCOPY, or BC1PNCPY, copy the production files over to the new empty test files. When a PDS load module is copied to a PDSE, Endevor load module footprint information is retained only if the Endevor processor utility BSTXCOPY is used. Other utilities, such as IEBCOPY, do not have the capability to copy the *LOADMOD footprint. For more information, see

Techdoc- Article Id: 137047  How to convert from Endevor PDS to PDSe Libraries.

Note:  Use either of these processes – Allocate Base, Delta, and Source Processor Output Libraries or Copy Production Data. Alternatively, you can use IBM's DFDSS utility ADRDSSU to COPY (DUMP) and rename the data files.

  • Use IBM's DFDSS utility ADRDSSU to COPY (dump) and rename your data files. 

Identify Test Libraries to Endevor

After copying the production files to new empty test files, change the data set names from the production name values to the new test name values. Update the data set names in each stage for each system imported for testing under each environment.

Follow these steps:

  1. Start Endevor using the instructions provided by the site Endevor administrator. The Primary Options panel appears.   Endevor 19.0.00 should be at the top of the screen.
  2. Select option 4, Environment, and press Enter.  The Environment Options menu appears.
  3. Select option 8, DATASET, and press Enter.  The Type Data Set Request panel appears.
  4. Enter the name of the system and stage identifier that needs to be updated, enter U in the Option field, and press Enter.  The Type Data Sets panel appears.
  5. To rename a data set, type over the existing name in the DATA SET NAME column. Any error messages are displayed under the MSG column. Press F1 to get more information about an error message, or see Messages and Codes.
  6. Repeat these steps for both stages of each environment, for each system you copied.

Note: If it is decided not to use the production data files for testing, there is the option of starting from scratch. To do this create all new files, and run Batch Admin (ENBE1000) to build the new environment. For more information about the Batch Admin Utility, see Execute or Validate Batch Admin SCL.

Test the New Release

After the updating all the systems and stages, the upgrade of Endevor is ready to test. Be certain to test any exits, making sure that the tables have been reassembled and relinked.