Unable to match transaction on Meta Data
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Unable to match transaction on Meta Data


Article ID: 248667


Updated On:


Service Virtualization


Unable to match transaction based on Meta Data.


All Supported DevTest releases.


Created a VS using REST Data Protocol DPH for your REST calls with URLPARM0=accounts and expect a transaction match with different values sent in the headers but getting the same transaction match.

Request headers are not going to be created as arguments with REST DATA Protocol.


Need to use the Request Data Manager DPH and copy the header values from Meta Data to the arguments which makes request with the header parameters as arguments.

Did a recording of the live call and used the Rest Data Protocol and Request Data Manager and created the transaction with header parameters as arguments.

Deleted the existing transaction from VSI.

Also added the new transaction URI rule to the VSM--> Rest Data Protocol and redeployed the service. 

Validated the transaction and got the response from new transaction

Additional Information

Refer to section "Request Data Manager Data Protocol" in the documentation of the DevTest release you are running.