We are calling CA Application soap Web services function called "getApplicationStatus()" to grab the status of current running Application. But for some cases we are getting incorrect response.
For example:
In our case for the application state "Trouble" we are getting state as "Processing" while calling soap web service function(getApplicationStatus()) using SoapUI tool and Powershell.
Release : 12.3
Depending on whether the getApplicationStatus returns the values you want or not, have a look at the "Resolution" section below for alternative options.
As noted in Application Web Services Functions, the following are the responses generated by this web service for application states:
Please see below for alternative solutions:
executeclicommand web service api
The executeclicommand soap is that it behaves the exact same way as you would expect the cli.sh|bat and the CLI view in the Desktop Client.
If you want to get more information about a certain cli, or just general help, you can send:
The syntax for the "help listapplication" command is below.
Output of <xsd:command>help listapplication</xsd:command>:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<xsd:executeCliCommandResponse xmlns:xsd="http://webservice.engine.wa.ca.com/xsd">
LISTAPPLICATION APPLICATION("application") [SUMMARY(summary)] [GEN(gen)] [STATE("state")] [OLDEST(oldest)] [JOB(JOBLIST("joblist"))*] [SUBAPPL("subappl")] [CRITPATH(critpath)]Display status information for an Application.
listapplication application("APPL1") summary(true) gen(1) state("complete") oldest(false) job("JOB0","JOB1","JOB2") subappl("SUBAPPLA") critpath(false)
listapplication application("APPL1") summary(true) gen(1) state("complete") oldest(false) job(joblist("JOB0,JOB1,JOB2")) subappl("SUBAPPLA") critpath(false)application <string>
The name of the Application to list.summary <bool>
List only a summary of the Application.
Specify one of the following: summary, summary(true), summary(false).
Specifying summary is equivalent to specifying summary(true).
If not specified, the default is summary(false).gen <int>
The generation to list. If not specified, a summary of all active Applications is listed. 0 indicates the most recent generation should be displayed. A negative number indicates the generation previous to the current generation should be displayed. -1 indicates the previous generation should be displayed.state <string>
List active, complete or all generations of this Application. If not specified the default is "active".
Specify one of the following: active, complete, alloldest <bool>
List the oldest incomplete generation.
Specify one of the following: oldest, oldest(true), oldest(false).
Specifying oldest is equivalent to specifying oldest(true).
If not specified, the default is oldest(false).JOB(JOBLIST("joblist"))*
List a specific job in the application.
joblist <string>
A comma separated list can be provided to list more than one job.subappl <string>
Limit the listing to the specified subApplication.critpath <bool>
List jobs on the critical path. This parameter applies to active Applications only.
Specify one of the following: critpath, critpath(true), critpath(false).
Specifying critpath is equivalent to specifying critpath(true).
If not specified, the default is critpath(false).]]></xsd:commandResponse>
./cli command: listapplication:
The CLI command offers the application status in-line with the application status reflected in the Desktop Client. Here is an example of the command that I've run and the output.
./cli "hostname" 7500 "user" "mypass" 'listapplication application("297_LINUX_RESOURCE_ULIMIT") summary(true) gen(3)'
Application state: TROUBLE
Completion percentage: 75.0
Anticipated end time: N/A
Triggered by: MANUAL
Started on: Fri Aug 05 16:40:58 UTC 2022
Enhancement/idea to add this capability to available REST API
The following KB Article describes the process for submitting an enhancement request for dSeries: How to create Enhancement/Idea for ESP DSeries Workload Automation