CABI 7.50 Installation fails (UIM 20.4)
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CABI 7.50 Installation fails (UIM 20.4)


Article ID: 248557


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


After following documented installation steps, both cabi and wasp probes failed to start.

The cabi_install_archive.log displays the following:

Aug 23 11:49:16:353 [Thread-1, cabi] install-db-fresh-min:
Aug 23 11:49:16:353 [Thread-1, cabi]      [echo] Executing js-install without samples
Aug 23 11:49:17:293 [Thread-1, cabi]      [exec] Writing to log file: logs/js-install-pro_2022-08-23_11-49_13494.log
Aug 23 11:49:17:294 [Thread-1, cabi]      [exec] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Aug 23 11:49:17:394 [Thread-1, cabi]      [exec] Running JasperReports Server install script at 2022-08-23_11-49 
Aug 23 11:49:17:395 [Thread-1, cabi]      [exec] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Aug 23 11:49:17:395 [Thread-1, cabi]      [exec] [minimal] 
Aug 23 11:49:17:495 [Thread-1, cabi]      [exec] Running install-minimal-pro Ant task 
Aug 23 11:49:17:495 [Thread-1, cabi]      [exec] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Aug 23 11:49:17:696 [Thread-1, cabi]      [exec] Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in E:\Program Files (x86)\Nimsoft\jre\jre8u332b09\lib\tools.jar
Aug 23 11:49:17:696 [Thread-1, cabi]      [exec] Buildfile: E:\Program Files (x86)\Nimsoft\c\buildomatic\build.xml
Aug 23 11:49:18:199 [Thread-1, cabi]      [exec]      [echo] 
Aug 23 11:49:18:201 [Thread-1, cabi]      [exec] [create-ks] WARNING: A new encryption key and a new keystore are about to be created.
Aug 23 11:49:20:316 [Thread-1, cabi]      [exec] [create-ks] 2022-08-23T11:49:20,217 ERROR KeystoreManager:409 - Failed to write keystore to C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\.jrsks
Aug 23 11:49:20:316 [Thread-1, cabi]      [exec] [create-ks] 2022-08-23T11:49:20,220 ERROR KeystoreManager:414 - Failed to create the keystore. Error: Failed to create or upgrade the keystore
Aug 23 11:49:20:316 [Thread-1, cabi]      [exec] [create-ks] 2022-08-23T11:49:20,220 ERROR KeystoreManager:285 - Initialisation using property file is unsuccessful. java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to create the keystore C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\.jrsks


Release : 20.4

Component : UIM - CABI


The expected java_jre package is not found.


Deploy java_jre 2.13 to the robot and redeploy the cabi probe.