I deleted a device but it still shows up in Inventory
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I deleted a device but it still shows up in Inventory


Article ID: 248555


Updated On:


CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


The device was deleted in DA Inventory but still shows up in PC Inventory



Release : 21.2, 22.2, 23.3

Component : Performance Management Portal Web UI


The device is associated with other data sources  like Spectrum or NFA.


Run the following query to verify which data sources the device is associated with in the NetOps Portal.

Log on PC Server

mysql -unetqos -p
use netqosportal

select a.SourceID, a.itemname, a.LocalID, a.ItemID, v6_ntoa(a.Address), b.consolename from dst_device a, data_sources2 b where a.sourceid=b.sourceid and itemname LIKE ' %device Name%';


select a.SourceID, a.itemname, a.LocalID, a.ItemID, v6_ntoa(a.Address), b.consolename from dst_device a, data_sources2 b where a.sourceid=b.sourceid and v6_ntoa(a.Address) = '<Device IP Address>';

Delete the device from all of the associated data sources and resync the data sources in NetOps Portal to remove the device from the inventory.