ASM Alert Delivery options. Is there any documentation on how does RSS and Action URL works ?
Release : SAAS
Component :
First, go to Reports & Alerts -> Alert Contacts -> Create Contact.
2. Under Type, select RSS and for Name, you can give it any name you choose. After filling out the rest of the fields, click Save.
3. Scroll down in the contacts to find the newly created contact. As you can see from the screenshot below, it gives you a link.
4. You then take that link and append it to You will be brought to a page with xml info on the alert. You can then refresh the page as often as you want.<...> where <...> is the rest of the URL as above.
Important: It is important to note that there is no login or token for this url. It is open to all. However, the only way to get to this URL is if you know the full exact URL. You cannot go to part of the URL and be redirected or be redirected from some other URL.
Action URL
To set up "Action URL", you would need to set up a contact, just like an email address, but with a specific URL to send the data to. When alerts are triggered, it results in a POST request to a Webserver. So, there needs to be a Webserver URL where to post this data to.
Examples of the post data are below - the first two are for the failure and subsequent recovery of an HTTP monitor; the third and fourth are for the failure and recovery of an RBM.
HTTP fail: ------------------
id=0&status=9501&message=Not matched&since=<date>&errors=1&rid=<rid>&uid=&name=<name>&type=http&host=<url>&port=80&path=/&cloudmonitor=
HTTP recover: ------------------
RBM fail: ------------------
id=0&status=1042&message=Execution timed out at Step 1 / Request https:///&since=2<date>&errors=0&rid=<rid>&uid=&name=<name>&type=script_firefox&host=&port=0&path=&cloudmonitor=
RBM recover: ------------------