Clarity to Rally Integration synching Resource to Rally Project
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Clarity to Rally Integration synching Resource to Rally Project


Article ID: 248549


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Clarity PPM SaaS


On Clarity Tasks you can sync to Rally we are adding the Team resource in Clarity and that matches Rally Project.  When you sync to Rally the Resource in Clarity does not sync over to the Rally Project field in Rally.  Is there a way to get the Resource on a Clarity Task to sync to Rally Project, and if so what is that process?


Release : 16.0.2

Component : Clarity Add-Ins (PMO, Rally)


Step to Reproduce:

1) In Clarity the Clarity Resource = Resource Team (Ex. IT Team)
2) Assign task to Clarity Resource/Team
3) Run Sync (Clarity to Rally)
Task --> feature (Name, Planned Start, Planned End Date)
Initiative (Clarity Project)
Feature is attached to parent
4) Go to Rally navigate to Release Planning
5) Click on the synced Feature and manually update the Rally Project

The Feature comes in to Rally Release Planning and assigned to the top Rally Project.
User needs to assign Feature to a different Rally Project, this is a manual step to assign it to Rally Project (Is there a way to eliminate this step?).


There is no way in Classic to map Clarity Resource to a Rally Project in the product. In Classic you can map only a Clarity PPM project to only a single CA Agile Central workspace or instance. You can have two Clarity Projects in Classic and each one maps to the same Rally workspace but different Rally Projects. If you go to one Clarity Project and create a Task and assign it to the Team Resource and run the integration, the Feature comes into the Rally Release Planning area and gets assigned to the mapped Rally Project (Rally Project is based on the Default Agile Central Project ID value from the integration instance that is specified in the Clarity project). Once the Feature is synced in Release Planning it will already have the Rally Project and you can just move the Feature from your Backlog into the correct Release.

The way the integration works you can create, configure and maintain multiple Clarity PPM integration records. You can configure multiple integration records either for the same CA Agile Central workspace or different workspaces. However, you can map a Clarity PPM project to only a single CA Agile Central workspace or instance. There is a bit of disadvantage here with having too many integrations and managing them individually can be time consuming.

Recommend checking out the New Clarity Connections Integration. It's built into the Clarity PMO now and you will find more options as far as what the Classic integration offers in terms of mapping data between the two applications.