When a user is trying to delete the ideas using the Delete Investments Job, the Job is getting completed, but the instances are not getting removed.
Release : 16.0.2
Component :
Check the bg-ca logs for further details.
If there are actuals and you did not mark the job to delete actuals the investment will not be deleted.
Check for processes on any of the tabs.
For instance they could be on the investment itself, Tasks, Financial Plans or any other sub objects.
- Normally the logs will show you which object the process is associated.
- If the logs show that it cannot lock the cost plan check the pk_id associated in the bg-ca log. These could be on cost plans, benefit plans, budget plans.
Abort the Processes and delete those instances.
UPDATE bpm_run_processes
SET status_code = 'BPM_PIS_ABORTED'
KB000038536 - Delete Investment Job Fails due to an issue with a project setting
KB000022567 - Delete Investments Job Fails with warning the bg-ca.logs referencing "Team record referenced by other records and cannot be deleted. The team record has been disabled."
KB000052712 - Delete Investments job may leave an investment unprocessed if there are orphaned requisition records
KB000023672 - Delete Investments job leaves some projects unprocessed due to access rights
KB000145154 - BPM-0200 Error when Marking a Project for Deletion
articleID133192 - Delete Investments Job Fails due to Associated Financial Transactions
articleID128583 - Delete Investments Job Fails with Folder Error
articleID38536 - Delete Investments Job Fails - PRJ-07536 error