We are trying to understand how metrics/analytics for gateways published APIs are sent to the Portal. We observed that when we add the "Export Variables from Fragment" assertion to a gateway published policy we start seeing analytics for that service on the portal but we don't know which policy is pushing this info to the portal.
Can you you show us or explain this process on how the metrics are sent to the portal, which policy runs this process and also the sample of the payload that's sent to the portal.
All Supported versions of API Developer Portal.
The service that pushes metrics to ingress is the 'move metrics data off box' which is executed via a scheduled task.
1) Metrics are collected based on the variables exported from a service which the 'standard policy templates' do automatically
2) If the proper variables are exported, the 'message-completed-policy' will execute the 'portal-message-completed' policy and put the analytics data in a buffer
3) When the scheduled task runs, it empties the buffer and pushes those to portal-apim/ingress.