MTT Table error GSVX555E XMDS NSS-PC error, "GETMAIN RC, LV=X'F9C00',SP=241,LOC=31'
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MTT Table error GSVX555E XMDS NSS-PC error, "GETMAIN RC, LV=X'F9C00',SP=241,LOC=31'


Article ID: 248431


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SYSVIEW Performance Management


When trying to access the Master Trace Table, receiving below error message:


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System Storage shortage


When unable to do the MTT command because there is not enough storage as evidenced by the COMMON command. The GSVX555E message description advises issuing the COMMON command in SYSVIEW.  

From the Command Reference manual: 

This command shows the information regarding common storage.  

COMMON Command
The COMMON command displays information about common storage.
Several display formats are available that enable you to:
* View a summary of common storage by using the SUMMARY keyword
* Display allocated common storage in detail with the ALLOC keyword
* Display in-use common storage in detail with the INUSE keyword
* Display unallocated common storage in detail with the UNALLOC keyword

The Pct% column is showing the "amount and percent of the region in use."  This is not something that can be adjusted in SYSVIEW as it is a system condition. Work with your site's MVS system programming group to look into this further.

Additional Information

The link to the Common command for R17.0 may be found by downloading the Command Reference off the manual page.