User Agent Match Object not visible in Java VPM
Environment where Java is still a mode of choice managing Proxy SG (VPM or UI)
New features being added VPMs may only be exposed in Web VPM. This is by design.
Due to nearing EOL/EOS end of life/end of support, new features including but not limited to, User Agent Match Object, will no longer be ported to Java VPM (a.k.a. legacy VPM).
User Agent Match Object are only available in Web-based VPM (a.k.a Web-VPM, new VPM)
Using Java VPM on a policy that was previously installed using Web-based VPM may cause new Errors/Warnings during installation or unexpected policy evaluation.
Mixing editing or installing Web-based VPM and Java-based VPM is not suggested and should be avoided.