When trying to run a voice test on AppNeta it fails with the following error:
The Path View Voice feature has been disabled on the source Sequencer
Change the source Sequencer configuration to enable this feature, and run test again
Release : 14.25.1
Component : AppNeta Default
Windows NMPs have the Voice Test configuration disabled by default. This is done so as to not bind the ports that may conflict with existing softphone/UCaaS apps on the system.
To enable Voice and Video tests during installation of the Windows NMP(s), you will need to pass configuration
switches to the "appneta-nmp-for-xxxxxxxxxxxxx-windows-<version>.exe"
/SIP=5060 (or alternate port in 5060-5080)
- Login to the Windows System
- Navigate to the AppNeta NMP Install folder
cd "C:\Program Files\AppNeta\NativeMonitoringPoint\config\"
- Copy and rename seq.config.sample -to- seq.config
- Edit seq.config and uncomment the following two lines (set ports as necessary)
STA SIP Port Number: 5060
STA H.323 Port Number: 1720
Note: If the system is running a soft phone on 5060 or 5061 another port between 5060 - 5080 can be specified
- Restart the AppNeta NMP service or reboot for the settings to take effect
-or- reboot the system
When the NMP restarts this should now be enabled.