Error: SmTrustAssociationInterceptor initialization failed ASA Agent
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Error: SmTrustAssociationInterceptor initialization failed ASA Agent


Article ID: 248395


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CA Single Sign On Agents (SiteMinder) SITEMINDER



When running an ASA Agent 12.8 for WebSphere, the Agent doesn't perform SSO as it seems to not handling the request and reports error at the initialization phase:

    [7/26/22 17:23:45:984 CEST] 00000001 TrustAssociat E   SECJ0384E: Trust Association Init Error. The Trust Association interceptor implementation com.netegrity.siteminder.websphere.auth.SmTrustAssociationInterceptor initialization failed. The error status/exception is java.lang.NullPointerException
          at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.AppenderControl.<init>(
          at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.LoggerConfig.addAppender(
          at com.netegrity.siteminder.agentcommon.utils.n.a(Unknown Source)



  ASA Agent 12.8 on WebSphere ND on RedHat 7;
   Java 1.8.0_U321;

  Web Agent 12.52SP1CR0 on Front End IHS 8.5.5 on RedHat 7; 



This is a known issue that requires Upgrade  of the ASA Agent 12.8SP1 for WebSphere when it will be available , please reach out to Broadcom Support if additional details are required