Status Report in Modern UX shows only 25 tasks in the PDF
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Status Report in Modern UX shows only 25 tasks in the PDF


Article ID: 248386


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS


Modern UX Status Report only shows up to 25 tasks. This document explains how to display more than 26 task in the PDF. 


All supported releases


It works by design that the Table widgets shows up to 25 rows per page (See "Configure Widgets in Canvas" under Additional Information for more information). If there are over 26 tasks and you would like to display them in the PDF, you need to add another Tasks Widget to the Status Report with an appropriate Task filter as per below.

  1. On the Status Report, click on 'Configure' to open the Canvas screen.

  2. Add another Task Table widget. On the Status Report, there are two Task Table widgets now. Click on 'Done'.

  3. Click on the 'Configure' gear icon shown in the newly added Tasks Widget, i.e. the second Task Widget'. 

  4. Select "WBS Sort" from 'Add Filter' dropdown list and set "Is Greater Than or Equal To" and "26". 

  5. Confirm that the 26th tasks and subsequent tasks are displayed. Click on 'Done'.
  6. Save the View and click 'Preview'. The Task table is separated, but subsequent tasks are displayed in the PDF.

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