New Benefit Plans are not populating in DWH table DWH_fin_benefit_plan
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New Benefit Plans are not populating in DWH table DWH_fin_benefit_plan


Article ID: 248345


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


You have created a Benefit Plan, but after running Load DWH job, it's not available in DWH. You have checked in DWH_fin_benefit_plan table and couldn't find the Benefit Plan info there. 


Release : 16.0.2

Component : Clarity Data Warehouse


SUMMARY: Benefit Plans are not populating in DWH table DWH_fin_benefit_plan

Steps to Reproduce: 
1- Create a new Benefit Plan on a project
2- Create a new Cost Plan and select benefit plan just created
3- Mark Cost Plan as Plan of Record
4- Administration - System Options - Data Warehouse Options
Consistent Fiscal Periods across Entities - unchecked
Include only financial Plan of Record - checked

Expected Results: New Benefit plan included in Data Warehouse

Actual Results: New Benefit plan is missing in Data Warehouse

De-select Include only financial Plan of Record, however this makes the DWH take much longer
and reports are slower also.



This is expected behavior as the benefit plan does need to be associated with a cost plan and/or budget plan, but it also needs to have detailed plan lines.

If you want all benefit plans to show you will need to uncheck the option for only Plan of Record.  By unchecking the option, a lot more data may populate into the data warehouse.