CAHVS0313E CA View report data open failed () - Web Viewer 14.0
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CAHVS0313E CA View report data open failed () - Web Viewer 14.0


Article ID: 248338


Updated On:


Output Management Web Viewer


Error received when trying to open report that is indexed, including the native one. Version 14.0.03 Build 14.0.41 #6344c16f 2021-12-16 15:02:17
A RC 16 from CAHVDSOP means that the CA Spool Transformation failed.


Release : 14.0

Component : Output Management Web Viewer


The Type of "PDF" with Original Type of "AFP PAGE" indicates that the report has been flagged for transformation to PDF by the Java Transformers.  On the report list the PDF in the Type column is followed by an information symbol - if you hover the cursor over that symbol you will see a comment that says "This report will be transformed from AFP PAGE to PDF.

The reason the report has been flagged for transformation is because the report has a PRMODE of PAGE and you have X2YY_AFP=PAGE set in your STDENVX DD.

If you do not want to transform reports with PRMODE of PAGE you can set X2YY_AFP=ACIF which limits transformation of AFP reports to AFP ACIF only.

If you do not want to transform any reports on this system you can set TRANSFORM2PDF = "False"; in your ConfigFile.cfg.

If you want to transform these reports then you need to verify the Java Transformer setup on your system.