Monitor Edge SWG (ProxySG) health check status from an external service
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Monitor Edge SWG (ProxySG) health check status from an external service


Article ID: 248315


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ProxySG Software - SGOS


SGOS introduces the ability to associate a system-defined, user-defined, or composite health check with an external monitoring service. You can enable this feature on the Edge SWG appliance and specify the health check target status URL in an external service. Then, you can take corrective actions as needed, based on the HTTP response associated with the health check target status URL (an Edge SWG Advanced URL) status.


To configure health check monitoring, complete the following steps below: 

  1. Configure a health check
  2. Enable the health check target
  3. Verify the status of the health check target configuration
  4. Provide the health check status URL to the external monitoring service
  5. (When needed) Disable the health check target

1 - Configure a health check

Configure a health check using the Edge SWG command line interface (CLI), the Admin Console, or the Management Console. Creating a composite health check is useful in most cases. For instructions, refer to the documentation:


2 - Enable the health check target

Specify a user-defined composite health check on the appliance as the target for the external monitoring service. 

In the CLI, type the following command:

#(config health-check) status-check-target <alias>

where <alias> is the name of a configured user-defined composite health check. Enter the name in the format user.<alias>. To specify the health check in Example: Create a composite health check, type:

 #(config health-check) status-check-target user.monitor-health

3 - Verify the status of the health check target configuration 

You can verify the status of the health check target configuration in the CLI output and on an Advanced URL page.

Check the CLI output

In the CLI, type the following command:

#(config health-check) view

In the output, look for the status in the Status check target line. See the following example:

#(config health-check) view
Health Check Configuration

Health Check Status

  Status check target: user.monitor-health(UP)

 <health check configuration>

See CLI and Advanced URL Statuses table below for more information on health check target statuses.

Check the Advanced URL

In a browser, go to the following URL:


The healthcheck/status page shows the current health check target status. In version, the health check URL can report when a target is partially healthy. The following example shows that the user.monitor-health health check target is partially healthy because two out of three services are healthy:

Edge SWG is healthy, please see the details below:
Status check target: user.monitor-health
    Enabled  	OK for some IPs  	UP
      Enabled  	OK  	UP
      Last status: Success.
      Successes (total): 378  	(last): Thu, 22 Sep 2022 20:06:11 GMT  	(consecutive): 378
      Failures  (total): 0  	(last): Never  	(consecutive): 0  	(external): 0
      Last response time: 28 ms  	Average response time: 28 ms
      Minimum response time: 21 ms  	Maximum response time: 44 ms
      Domain name:
        IP address:  	          Enabled  	OK  	UP
          Last status: Success.
          Successes (total): 386  	(last): Thu, 22 Sep 2022 20:06:11 GMT  	(consecutive): 386
          Failures  (total): 0  	(last): Never  	(consecutive): 0  	(external): 0
          Last response time: 3 ms  	Average response time: 3 ms
          Minimum response time: 2 ms  	Maximum response time: 16 ms
      Domain name:
        IP address:  	          Enabled  	Check failed  	DOWN
          Last status: Socket connect error
          Successes (total): 378  	(last): Thu, 22 Sep 2022 20:06:03 GMT  	(consecutive): 0
          Failures  (total): 4  	(last): Thu, 22 Sep 2022 20:06:11 GMT  	(consecutive): 4  	(external): 0
          Last response time: 1064 ms  	Average response time: 1077 ms
          Minimum response time: 1064 ms  	Maximum response time: 1084 ms


See the following table for more information on health check target statuses.


CLI and Advanced URL Statuses

Target Configuration

CLI Status

Advanced URL Status

The target is Enabled and the health check is fully or partially healthy.


Edge SWG is fully configured and in service

HTTP response: 200 OK

The target is set to Disabled: Healthy.

<alias>(Disabled: Healthy) 

No health check target is configured.


Edge SWG health check status is not configured

HTTP response: 500 Server Error

The specified health check is misconfigured (For example, the composite health check has been renamed.)


Edge SWG is not in service (HealthCheck configuration error found)

HTTP response: 500 Server Error

The target is set to Disabled: Unhealthy.

<alias>(Disabled: Unhealthy)

Edge SWG is fully configured and in service

HTTP response: 503 Service Unavailable

The target is Enabled and the health check is unhealthy.


Configured and unhealthy:

Edge SWG is not healthy, please see the details below:

<details about the status check target>

HTTP response: 503 Service Unavailable

Note: If the Edge SWG appliance license is invalid, the status check fails. 

4 - Provide the health check status URL to the external monitoring service

In your external monitoring service, specify the health check target status Advanced URL:


When the external monitoring service queries the Advanced URL, the Edge SWG appliance returns a specific HTTP response depending on the status of the health check target. If the response is 500 or 503, the appliance is unhealthy and not ready to receive traffic. 

If the HTTP response is not 200 OK, you might have to take corrective action on the Edge SWG appliance.

For example, the Edge SWG appliance returns 503 "Service Unavailable" for the output in Check the Advanced URL (section above). In this case, troubleshoot the issues with the authentication realm and the ICAP server. 

5 - (When needed) Disable the health check target

If the health check target is no longer needed, disable it. Type the following CLI command:

#(config health-check) no status-check-target

Remember to remove the Edge SWG Advanced URL from the external service configuration.