Import an SSL certificate created by a Trusted Certificate Authority for the Enforce Console Certificate
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Import an SSL certificate created by a Trusted Certificate Authority for the Enforce Console Certificate


Article ID: 248270


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Data Loss Prevention Enterprise Suite Data Loss Prevention Data Loss Prevention Enforce


You need to import a created certificate from a Trusted Certificate Authority into the Enforce Server console.


There are 2 methods to update the keystore. 

Method 1: Use a CSR and have your CA sign it, then import it into the a keystore for use with DLP. That process is outlined in the following KB:

Create, sign, and import an SSL certificate signed by a Trusted Certificate Authority for the Enforce Server certificate (


Method 2: Get a new certificate pair right from your CA in a .pfx keystore format and then import it into the a keystore for use with DLP

  • Get the new certificate in a pfx format from your CA.
    • If you are going to change the keystore type, then the private key password of the cert needs to be the current keystore password (default "protect")
    • If you plan to export/import from the pfx to the .keystore, then any password will be fine.
  • Create a new keystore with the certificates
    • First create a directory called NEW under root drive as we will place new keystore and all files in this directory.
    • keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass protect -destkeypass protect -destkeystore "/path/to/NEW/keystore/.keystore" -srckeystore "/path/to/certificates/enforce.pfx" -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass password_for_pfx
  • make sure the certs imported correctly
    • keytool -list -v -keystore /path/to/keystore/.keystore
    • Find the imported certs alias.  Typically it will be a UID or the FQDN for the server.
  • keytool -changealias -alias "ORIGINAL_ALIAS_FROM_PREVIOUS_STEP" -destalias "tomcat" -keystore "/path/to/NEW/keystore/.keystore" -storepass protect
  • move the new keystore into the enforce tomcat directory
    • <DRIVE>\Program Files\Symantec\DataLossPrevention\EnforceServer\<VERSION>\Protect\tomcat\conf\.keystore
  • Recycle the DLP Manager service

Enforce should now be using the newly created certificates.