CCS Error "The credential for the asset () have not been specified" when scanning agent less using SSH key. CCS 12.x
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CCS Error "The credential for the asset () have not been specified" when scanning agent less using SSH key. CCS 12.x


Article ID: 248258


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Control Compliance Suite Standards Database Control Compliance Suite Control Compliance Suite Standards Server


Control Compliance Suite (CCS)

I'm having an error when trying to execute agentless scanning using an SSH key instead of a password. 

It is working fine if I use the username and a password, but, when I switch to SSH key authentication I receive the following error message: 

"The credential for the asset () have not been specified"

The scenario covers using certificates to connect and collect data from Unix assets, in this case RHEL 7.

While working with certificates, I tested two scenarios in Control Compliance Suite:

certificates were generated on the target server using ssh-keygen and the private key was converted to .ppk format locally using PuTTYgen
certificates were created locally on a Windows machine using PuTTYgen
In both scenarios, when a newer version of PuTTYgen was used to convert the key (0.74, 0.75) CCS would not connect to the target asset saying:

RHEL 7.7: The credentials for the asset (RHEL 7.7) have not been specified.

The connection would work just fine via Putty.



Release: CCS 12.5.2-12.6


The newer PuTTYgen tool is generating certificates in a newer format (PPK file version 3), which is not recognized by earlier PuTTY versions as well as CCS.


When I used an older version of the Puttygen tool (0.70), CCS accepted the key, and data collection succeeded.

The workaround for this problem is to tell the latest PuTTYgen to save the keys using earlier format (PPK file version 2).  

See the screenshot for configuration setting that can be used with latest PuTTYgen tool.