Questions regarding importing users using CSV
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Questions regarding importing users using CSV


Article ID: 248242


Updated On:


CASB Security Advanced CASB Security Premium CASB Security Standard


In CloudSOC, the administrator can use a .csv file to import and modify the CloudSOC user information in batches. The template can be found in the Import Users tab:

The csv template looks similar to the table below:

In   First Name  Email   Groups  Title  Admin  Access Profile  Work Phone  Cell Phone  Secondary ID  Active
xxxx xxxx [email protected] [u'Finance', u'HR Admins (OU=users,DC=example,DC=com)', u'Management'] Engineer Admin admin-all (xxx) xxx-xxxx (xxx) xxx-xxxx xxxx No


Please read the tech doc Importing and exporting users and groups for initial information. This KB provides some clarifications to the questions regarding the csv import:

  1. Does appending a new group create the group?
  2. Does appending an existing group adds the user to the group?
  3. Does importing new users with a new group create and add this user to the group?
  4. Does the csv affect the other users in CloudSOC?
  5. Getting "Invalid set of fields in file header. No valid user found in the uploaded CSV file" error when importing the file 


  1. Appending a group that has not been created in CASB to the test user's group column will create a new group in CASB and add this user to the group.
  2. Appending an existing group to the test user's group column adds this user to the group.
  3. Importing a new user will create this new user in CASB and add the user to the group listed in the CSV.
  4. Users that are not listed in CSV will remain untouched in CASB (Not deleting the user)
  5. Please update the file using Notepad or Notepad++, because Excel might alter the encoding. Do not use the "Save As" function. If you need to change the filename, you can do so in folder explorer before or after editing the file.