WARNING: Rulesystem-reinit request received with 4 rulesystems already in memory; request deferred.
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WARNING: Rulesystem-reinit request received with 4 rulesystems already in memory; request deferred.


Article ID: 248060


Updated On:


Messaging Gateway


Reviewing the Brightmail Engine logs you find instances of the following warning level message:

2022-08-04T12:39:30-04:00 (WARNING:10726.108807936): [27257] Rulesystem-reinit request received with 4 rulesystems already in memory; request deferred.


Component : Brightmail Engine


This means that there are some long running message scanning transactions in progress and the Brightmail Engine cannot load a new rule update as all available rule set "slots" are in use but running scanning transactions.


Usually this doens't represent a significant issue and resolves itself through normal product operation. If, however, these messages continue to be logged for an extended period of time (an hour or more) it can mean that loading of new anti-spam rules is being delayed and the removal of a potentially non-performant rule is not happening. In this case the Brightmail Engine should be restarted to force a reload of the latest anti-spam rules from disk.

To restart the Brightmail Engine 

  1. Log into the SMG Control Center as an admin
  2. Go to Administration > Configuration > hostname for the Scanner on which you want to restart the Brightmail Engine
  3. Select the Brightmail Engine checkbox
  4. Click Stop
  5. Once the page refreshes with the Brightmail Engine shown as stopped again select Brightmail Engine
  6. Click Start

The Brightmail Engine can also be restarted from the SMG admin command line by running

service bmserver restart