LISA-Invoke API - asks for userID and password before executing
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LISA-Invoke API - asks for userID and password before executing


Article ID: 248046


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Service Virtualization


Testing with LISA-Invoke API and now are seeing that with 10.7.2 the LISA-Invoke API is asking for credentials before kicking off the tests.

However, we did not see this in 10.6, It did not asked for any Userid and password.

Is there a way we can skip or pre populated this in our LISA-Invoke url?

This is halting our Jenkins pipeline as the tests are failing with Authorization Failed error.



Release : 10.7.0 and later

Component : DevTest API


Working as designed.


Due to security reasons, authenticated has been mandated for LISA-INVOKE API, so you will have to provide a userid and password to authenticate with the API.  Unfortunately, there is no way to skip it.

Additional Information

In the past, ie till 10.6 release, LISA-INVOKE Apis (the ones below) could be accessed without authentication. But due to security reasons and the need to AUDIT the API call, Authentication has been implemented for these APIs too from 10.7 GA onwards.
If any customer uses these APIs, they now have to authenticate with username and password just like they do for other APIs. 
The Impacted APIs are:

LISA Invoke - Test Case, Suite, and MAR Operations

Run test cases: /lisa-invoke/runTest?testCasePath=testCasePath&[stagingDocPath=stagingDocPath]&[configPath=configPath]&[async=true]&[coordName=csName]

Run suites: /lisa-invoke/runSuite?suitePath=suitePath&configPath=configPath&[async=true]

Run MAR files: /lisa-invoke/runMar?marOrMariPath=marOrMariPath&[async=true]

Note: Test asset paths are relative to the lisa.portal.invoke.test.root property.


LISA Invoke - DCM Operations

List runnable labs: /lisa-invoke/listRunnableLabs

Start a lab: /lisa-invoke/startLab?labKey=LAB:key

Get lab info: /lisa-invoke/getLab?labKey=LAB:key

Kill a lab: /lisa-invoke/killLab?labKey=LAB:key