Need assistance determining why CA-11 is indicating that the last several steps of a job are not eligible for restart.
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Need assistance determining why CA-11 is indicating that the last several steps of a job are not eligible for restart.


Article ID: 248012


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Steps that are non-restartable. 


Release : 11.0

Component : CA 11


NOT ELIGIBLE FOR AUTOS has multiple meanings.  It indicates that a dataset was created in a given step and passed around a set of successor steps.  Any step where the dataset was passed, is  marked as NOT ELIGIBLE FOR AUTOS, meaning CA-11 is not going to select those steps for restart.  Also, any passed dataset that is read in as input to a successor step, will also be marked as NOT ELIGIBLE FOR AUTOS.  CA-11 is not going to recommend those steps as automatic restartable steps.

Additionally, a U11-031 indicates there are steps within the jcl that has a UCC7NR DD DUMMY.  This type of dummy card prevents the user from restarting in these types of steps.