Estimating the size to increase the batch terminal interface (BTI) batchout dataset
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Estimating the size to increase the batch terminal interface (BTI) batchout dataset


Article ID: 247993


Updated On:


CA 7 Workload Automation


Issuing command LSCHD,JOB=*,LIST=BYSID in batch mode results in message BSTR-17 BATCHOUT OVERFLOWED - OUTPUT TRUNCATED.  There are approximately 20,000 jobs.  How do we determine how many cylinders are needed for BATCHO# file?




Release : 12.1

Component :


There is no formula  to determine the size of the batchout dataset.  The sizing  will depend on how much data comes from the command(s) entered.  The batchout file must be contiguous and can only be allocated with primary space.  We recommend doubling  the size of the batchout file so that it does not produce as much output.  Another options is to make  the commands more granular (see example below) .   

EX:   LJOB,JOB=A*,LIST=NODD and then run a separate job with  LJOB,JOB=B *,LIST=NODD etc until all commands are processed.