Data partition to prevent update closed problems
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Data partition to prevent update closed problems


Article ID: 247974


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CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


I wrote a data partition to stop Tier 2 Analyst from updating closed problems.

It works to stop Tier 2 Analyst from updating closed problem tickets but it also prevents them from updating incidents.  the data partition is

type = 'P' AND NOT status = 'CL'  

what am I doing wrong?


CA Service Management - 17.x



This data partition will prevent users from updating incidents and requests, active/open or inactive/closed. The reason for that is whenever they try to update those tickets. SDM will check and enforce

type = 'P' AND NOT status = 'CL'

and sees type = 'P' condition is violated thus stop the update.

The following statement for the data partition constraint should work

(type='I') OR (type='P' and NOT status='CL')

Additional Information

Depending on the type of tickets you would need to enable editing, it could be 

(type='R') OR (type='P' and NOT status='CL')


(type='I') OR (type='R') OR (type='P' and NOT status='CL')