SYSVAPPS ZWE* SYSLOG messages versus generic BPXM023I messages
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SYSVAPPS ZWE* SYSLOG messages versus generic BPXM023I messages


Article ID: 247933


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SYSVIEW Performance Management


Our automation team is asking this question, as they need a unique message identifier to cue on to automate start up of the SYSVAPPS STC.

SYSVAPPS issues these messages to syslog at startup:

12.43.03 STC26730  BPXM023I (SYSVAPPS) ZWEAS110I SYSVIEW REST API startup initiated 
12.43.17 STC26730  BPXM023I (SYSVAPPS) ZWEAS111I SYSVIEW REST API startup completed 

The automation team say they believe there is a way with products like this to have the actual messages issued to syslog, not just the generic BPXM023I message with the product's message embedded in it.

What they would like to see is:

12.43.03 STC26730  ZWEAS110I SYSVIEW REST API startup initiated 
12.43.17 STC26730  ZWEAS111I SYSVIEW REST API startup completed 

Can this be done?



Release : 16.0

Component : SYSVIEW


Granting ACF2 READ access to BPX.CONSOLE in TYPE(FAC) for SYSVAPPS enabled the messages to be issued directly and not via the BPX service.