Items incorrectly Included In Deletion Confirmation
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Items incorrectly Included In Deletion Confirmation


Article ID: 247928


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Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


In the Classic UI, after updating a row in a grid, and then attempting to delete a different row, the previously edited row will be included in the attempted delete.


This issue can be found in a variety of places such as a custom master object, a custom sub object, here are 3 examples: Portfolios, Master Object, Sub-object


1. Log into the Classic UI, go to "Home" "Portfolios"
2. Ensure you have more than one Portfolio in the list, if not create multiple.
3. While in the Portfolio grid view, modify one of the Portfolios in the grid.
4. Check the box for the Portfolio that you modified, and click "Save"

      Although this is not necessary to check the box for saving changes made to the row, the user 'checked' the box. 

      This is what is causing the portfolio to show up on the delete confirmation page in later steps. 

      Once you click the 'Save' button, the box is unchecked for this portfolio. 

5. Check the box for a different Portfolio that you wish to delete
6. Click the "Delete" button

Expected Results: The Deletion Confirmation screen should only display the one Portfolio that you checked to delete.

Actual Results: The Deletion Confirmation screen will display the Portfolio you wish to delete, but also includes the Portfolio you previously modified. Confirming the deletion will delete both rows. 


Master Custom Object:

  1. Create a Master Object and create at least 3 records 
  2. Go to the Master Object list in Classic 
  3. Edit a row and check the box and click 'Save' (the box will get unchecked) 
  4. Check different row and click the 'P Delete' button 
  5. LOOK at the Delete Confirmation page - it shows BOTH records when it should only show the one that was checked for deletion 
  6. Click 'Return' to NOT Delete the rows 
  7. Check the one that you want to delete again and notice the confirmation page is now correct and only shows the one record you want to delete 

Custom Sub Object: 

Do the same steps for a Custom Sub Object and you will see the same thing happen 

  1. Create a Custom Sub Object and create at least 3 records 
  2. Go to the Custom Sub Object list in Classic 
  3. Edit a row and check the box and click 'Save' (the box will get unchecked) 
  4. Check different row and click the 'P Delete' button 
  5. LOOK at the Delete Confirmation page - it shows BOTH records when it should only show the one that was checked for deletion 
  6. Click 'Return' to NOT Delete the rows 
  7. Check the one that you want to delete again and notice the confirmation page is now correct and only shows the one record you want to delete 

Expected Results: 

The Deletion Confirmation screen should only display the one item that you checked to delete.

Actual Results:

The Deletion Confirmation screen will display the item you wish to delete, but also include the item you previously modified. Confirming the deletion will delete both rows.


Release : 16.0.0, 16.0.1, 16.0.2, 16.0.3

Component : Clarity Project Management


This is resolved in, and 16.1.0. It was originally associated to DE66219.

WORKAROUND - In the steps listed in the details above, if you do not check the box prior to saving, and instead just click "Save" the problem will not occur.