MUX Tasks links character limits
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MUX Tasks links character limits


Article ID: 247924


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Clarity PPM SaaS


The MUX Links into Tasks have a URL 310 characters limit, there are some users requiring an expanded capacity even beyond 800.


Release : 16.0.3

Component : PPMMUI : Clarity MUX UI Usability


MUX Task Links URL field is not consistent with other 'Links' fields and it should be increased in size for a consistent Modern User Experience. Currently in MUX, Task Links URL is limited to 310 characters. The Menu 'Links' URL is limited to 1333 characters.  Tasks Links URL should be increased to 1333 characters.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login Clarity with relevant rights.
  2. Open a MUX Project and go Tasks module.
  3. Click on a the individual Task and after one has been selected click the Details Fly-out.
  4. Click on the Task Links.
  5. Create new Link and enter desired URL (Link Address) in the field with a URL that is more than 310 characters long.

Expected Results: MUX Task Links URL field is consistent with other 'Links' fields in size for a consistent Modern User Experience.
Actual Results: MUX Task Links URL is limited to 310 characters.
Workaround: Create a 'short' url to use (if possible) 


DE66223 - Fixed in Release 16.1.0. The Task Link URL field now has 1333 characters. An error is generated if user goes beyond 1333 characters.