- How can i set up reporting for certificates that are about to expire?
- How can I monitor certificates backing identities in the ID providers?
Release : 10.1
Component : API GATEWAY
Docs link for alerts for certificate expiration notification:
Policy attached that reports includes the repository name. Certificate name and expires data timeframe within 30 days (note if it’s in the manage certificates area it till be in the “Trusted Certificate” store
Require to create JDBC connection to the the master SSG DB
JDBC connection to SSG DB
Policy Manager -> Tasks -> Manager JDBC connections -> Add
Create a object call localhost
Need to add info to connect to the SSG master DB (localhost or for cluster setups FQDN)
TEST to make sure it works
Service endpoint to access
Create new Publish Web API
Provide endpoint URI i.e. /certexpire
Click “Import Policy” on the top right of the new service and import the attached certexpire.xml
Click :Save and Activate” after import
Access endpoint https://<gatewayhost>:8443/certexpire