ERRORS: "This app can't run on your PC" & "Access is denied" xcomtcp.exe
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ERRORS: "This app can't run on your PC" & "Access is denied" xcomtcp.exe


Article ID: 247877


Updated On:


XCOM Data Transport - Windows


Seeing below error while trying to run xcomtcp.exe from a command prompt to do XCOM transfers:
"Access is denied".

When try to run xcomtcp.exe from Windows Explorer see error:
This app can't run on your PC

To find version for your PC, check with software Publisher.

XCOM version is:
CA XCOM Data Transport r11.6 17090 SP02 64bit for Windows Family (CPIC & TCP/IP)


XCOM™ Data Transport® for Windows


  1. There are no XCOM messages returned and the "Access is denied" problem appears to be unrelated to XCOM itself i.e. it is purely a Windows permissions problem when trying to execute "D:\Program Files (x86)\CA\XCOM\xcomtcp.exe".
    As this was working previously it appears something has changed to either the security properties of the file "D:\Program Files (x86)\CA\XCOM\xcomtcp.exe" or its containing directory "D:\Program Files (x86)\CA\XCOM" which is preventing the user from executing xcomtcp.exe.
    Support can recreate similar "Access is denied" error if they disable "Read & execute" permission to xcomtcp.exe or its containing directory ("C:\Program Files\CA\XCOM") on their system.
    Check if the user trying to run xcomtcp.exe has the required "Read & execute" permission on that file.

  2. Another possibility is that due to some change in the security software that software is now blocking use of xcomtcp.exe.
    The GA version of XCOM for Windows r11.6 SP02 i.e. "17090" is being used, so no patches are installed.
    The latest SP02 patch is a security patch LU02560 ("ENHANCE SECURITY WITH ADDITIONAL VERIFICATION STEPS") which has executables signed by digital certificates which can pass through security checks. So it may help with this problem and Support would therefore advise to download and install "XCPCNT_XCOMPATCH_r11621100_SP2_64.exe" from that page.
    After installing the patch the Properties of the XCOM executables including xcomtcp.exe will show an extra "Digital Signatures" tab.

Additional Information

XCOM for Windows 12.0 is available and includes this patch.