Rally: RISK Search - What is the best way to find a specific risk in Rally?
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Rally: RISK Search - What is the best way to find a specific risk in Rally?


Article ID: 247815


Updated On:


Rally SaaS


Can the "Search all work items/Global Search" field be used to search for Risk, if not what is the best way to find a specific risk?


Release: SAAS

Component: SAAS


Risks are not searchable using Global search.


They are two ways that you can find Risks in Rally 

  1. Please use Work Views, set "Work Item type" = "Risk" and use the Filters to locate the risk.

  2. Create a ROAM Risk board using a custom page and you can share it within your project.

    • Create a Custom page --> Under Track (How to create a custom page - Link)
    • Name it ROAM Risk Board --> Save
    • Add New App
    • Select the Custom board(core) app from the list
    • Open Settings --> Select item type = Risk
    • Save

Additional Information

To know more about Risk please user: https://community.broadcom.com/communities/community-home/digestviewer/viewthread?MID=781079