Safex output is not reporting all WCC users. Increasing the "maxsearchsize" to 3,000 still did not change the results.
Below is my input parameter:
<Attach label="WCC0004"/>
<Export file="WCC0004users-backup.xml" globalfolders="n" globalusergroups="y" globalusers="y" globalsettings="n" folders="n" usergroups="y" users="y" calendars="n" policies="y" appobjects="n" maxsearchsize="3000"/>
Below is the successful run result but still not reporting all WCC users:
D:\Program Files\CA\Workload Control Center\safex>safex -h host1234 -u EiamAdmin -p <password> -f WCC0004.txt
Setting Translation
Setting back end to "host1234"
Setting locale to "en_us"
OK:Successfully Authenticated
OK: action[Attach] with ApplicationInstance label[WCC0004]
OK: action[Export] performed on object[ApplicationInstance] count[1]
OK: action[Export] performed on object[GlobalUserGroup] count[489]
OK: action[Export] performed on object[GlobalUserGroup] count[0]
OK: action[Export] performed on object[GlobalUser] count[1000]
OK: action[Export] performed on object[UserGroup] count[7]
OK: action[Export] performed on object[UserGroup] count[0]
OK: action[Export] performed on object[User] count[8]
OK: action[Export] performed on object[Policy] count[269]
OK: action[Detach] from ApplicationInstance label[WCC0004]
OK:Total objects Added 0
OK:Total objects Modified 0
OK:Total objects Removed 0
OK:Total objects Skipped 0
OK:Total objects Exported 1774
D:\Program Files\CA\Workload Control Center\safex>
Release : 12.0
Component : Embedded Entitlements Manager
Per our sustaining eng. team, EEM is not designed to be a full LDAP admin user tool.
You can use EEM's export options to export the policies, application, and dynamic user groups but if your EEM is configured to point to an LDAP then you should NOT try to export the global users and global groups.
Only select those "global" settings if your EEM is using the local user store.
If you want/need an exported list of your LDAP users then you should work with your LDAP administrator and let them use their tools to provide that listing.